Monday, August 19, 2013

Mt. Washington, NH - The Lazy Way 08/18/2013

I came off Mount Isolation Sunday morning. My original plan was to do a day hike of Mount Pierce, but my energy was waning and time was crunched to be able to fit in another hike. I wasn't quite ready to head home yet, so instead I decided "Hey, let's do a drive up Mount Washington!"

I didn't know much about the methodology of driving up there. I knew this option existed, but always thought I'd never do that! Who drives up a mountain, when you can hike it? Well I became that person and I loved this way too! I wouldn't include this visit on my list of high points I've accomplished. I will save the hike up Mount Washington for when I eventually get to hike the entire Appalachian trail.

They charge a fee to drive your vehicle up this mountain along the Auto Road.  It is $26, plus additional fees for passengers. Another option is to take the train up or use the tour guides across the street who will drive you up in a group in a van. The tour is $35. I lucked out and got the tour for free. Apparently, my car is old and doesn't have a low gear to handle the mountains so Honda is gracious enough to pay the fee to use the tour van. How awesome is that? As we were driving up that mountain near the top, I was kind of glad I wasn't driving it. It was a bit scary and a tight road. One wrong swerve and off you'll go! Eek.

Driving up the mountain is a great way to include your family members who aren't into hiking in your mountain adventures. They can see what you see when you hike and appreciate the beauty around us that can't be grasped in a photograph.

The summit as expected was crowded with many visitors. It is the opposite of the experience on Mount Isolation. The two extremes are something to appreciate. The summit features a cafe with options for food and to sit down and relax. There is a museum and restrooms and many places to wander. You might forget that you are on top of a mountain. But when you look around outside and venture more off to the trails, the views are spectacular.

Although the majority of the people at the summit drove, there were plenty of hikers too, including 3 thru-hikers. The woman I sat next to while I chowed down on some pizza said it took 5 hours to hike the 4 miles up as a day hike and it was the longest 5 hours of her life! Hiking is the most rewarding activity to get to these views though.

It was one of the best days you could ask for with weather, though a bit chilly at 49 degrees at the top. Mount Washington is officially the second highest mountain I've had the blessing to be able to see, following Mount Mitchell.

Overall, I would highly recommend the tour. The tour guide was very good and offered funny banter and lots of useful information about the area. He is a professional photographer and knows his stuff about climbing. As we drove down the mountain he advised you should never bring a rocky relationship up into the mountains. If you have a harrowing experience it will either bond you or break you up. Ah lover's quarrels...The mountains offer one of the greatest compatibility tests there are.


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