This post will feature Geocaching! Geocaching is an outdoor activity using a gps to hide and find containers of "treasures." There is a log book where you sign and date that you've been there. If you decide to keep one of the objects found, you must replace it with something else. In today's case I didn't take anything, but left a keychain of my own. :) I think this is a great activity if you have young ones that you want to try and encourage to get outside more instead of couching it in front of the tv and video games. The geocaching app is $10 to download to your smart phone. It will give you gps coordinates and a description of what you are looking for. You can also see the most recent logs which will help to confirm that the cache is still there if it was found recently.
For just a hike, trail run or nature walk itself, Muttontown preserve is a great place to explore. You will likely see horses here as well, as horse trails are a part of the preserve. This time of year, there were a ton of mosquitoes which shortened our adventure to just this one cache. There is also plenty of poison ivy here so be careful!
This is how it was hidden. |
Our find! |
Log Book |
Enjoying the open space |
Feeding the horses |
Sundance and April |
The "Ruins" |
Eek Graffiti :/ |
Watch this!
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